Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Triangulation Blender Tutorial

This tutorial focuses on working with triangulated meshes and mixed materials. I'll walk through how to create the scene above, but get creative and take your own approach as I'll only gloss over the materials.

1. Start by entering Top Orthographic view and spawning in a plane.

2. Enter edit mode and rotate the plane by 45 degrees. (press R, Z, 45)

3. Now we must form the shape we want. Select the faces you want to delete and press X. Select "Faces" in the menu. 

4. Select the entire mesh (press A) and press CONTROL-T to triangulate the mesh. Finally turn on proportional editing (press O), change the falloff to Random, and select the middle two triangles. Pull up on the Z axis to scatter the faces.

5. Exit Edit Mode and spawn in a new plane, repeat the process for the heart but don't move the faces as in step 4 as much.

Now we need to add in the lighting. For the top, we'll use a blue Point Light right above the heart and a plane set to Emission on the bottom.

1. Spawn in a Point Light and use the values I do in the image below. Play around with the size and strength to get the result you want.

2. Spawn in another plane and rotate it 90 degrees along the X. Scale it along the Y and Z to get a rectangular shape. Set the plane to Emission in the Materials Tab and use my values below.

Now we can apply the proper materials for the meshes. For the heart, we'll use a Mix Shader with Toon and Glossy and we'll use a Mix Shader for the ground plane with Holdout and Diffuse.

Heart Material
 Plane Material

Add in a Camera and set it to Top Orthographic, set the Camera from Perspective to Orthographic and set the Orthographic Scale to properly contain the entire heart, 25 should do just fine. In the render tab, bump up the sampling to 150 to 200 and then render it out. You can save your render with F3.


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