Friday, December 14, 2012

Tutorial: Chainmail pattern

In this tutorial I'll explain how I made the chainmail pattern from my most recent piece which should be right below this tutorial.

1. First make a document at 500x500 pixels and 300 ppi

2. Fill the document with a neutral grey. You can do this by using this keystroke [SHIFT + COMMAND/CONTROL + 4] and choosing 50% grey. You can also make whatever grey you want using the Paint Bucket tool.

3. After filling the canvas, use a Stained Glass filter to make the initial texture using the setting I have listed.

4. Finally copy the current layer, set the copy to 50% opacity, and use the Move Tool [V] and arrow keys to move the copy up every so slightly.

5. You're done! now just export as pattern and the chainmail will appear in menu when ever you wan to insert a pattern.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Finished! (almost)

Here's the sort-of finished bust of Dr. Freeman. I've spent lots of time only on this part which I hope to finish sometime....maybe. There were some parts where I experimented with the mixer brush which gave a dramatically softer tone than the rest of my painting.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Freeman's head is coming along! Still need to shade his cheeks and forehead and add light to the hair. I'm going to add texture and rough it up a little once everything is painted.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Painting: Gordon Freeman

This is the stating of the sketch of the Half Life main protagonist, Gordon Freeman.
Since this game is from around 1998, the Hazard Suit he wear has block geometry making it perfect for practicing my straight line drawing while also practicing curves. I hope to have this done within a week.